210 cc engine

The driving forces of Corporate Governance at Hero are transparency, fairness, integrity, equity and accountability. Doing the 'right things' in the 'right manner' reflects the spirit of Corporate Governance at Hero. It is a reflection of us - our value system, work culture & thought process.
Hero MotoCorp two-wheelers have been the wheels of growth and socio-economic development for the nation for over three decades now. Our vision is "to deliver efficient mobility to present and future generations through innovation and inclusiveness." We recognize the importance of creating economic value for our stakeholders and ensuring that we have a positive impact on the communities in which we operate. While our shareholders benefit from higher valuation of their portfolio and handsome dividends, our employees share the economic value created by Hero MotoCorp in the form of salaries and other benefits. The same economic value created is also shared with our customers and suppliers that are present across India and abroad. The OEMs that supply us with components are able to provide employment and sustain their business owing to our consistent and growing demand. Our customers are able to carry out their activities more conveniently by using our products and able to reap economic benefits. Hero MotoCorp has carefully crafted its sustainability strategy for the next 3 to 5 years through a process of internal and external consultation, benchmarking against peers and alignment with national and global goals. We have defined our sustainability vision to act as the guiding light for our sustainability strategy and have developed a robust governance ecosystem to ensure continuity and accountability of our efforts.