
 What are UN SDGs?

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) represent a universal set of targets established by United Nations member states in 2015, aiming to eradicate poverty, safeguard the environment, and foster peace and prosperity for all individuals by 2030. Consisting of 17 goals, this framework serves to galvanize coordinated efforts, urging governments, businesses, civil society, and individuals to collaborate in creating a more just, prosperous, and sustainable world for current and future generations.

India’s agenda for UN SDGs

India’s commitment to the UN SDGs has been steadfast since the country embraced the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The country’s approach to SDGs is marked by a comprehensive integration of global goals into national policies and development goals, robust institutional mechanisms, innovative initiatives, and strategic collaborations, all of which position the country to meet its 2030 commitments effectively. Central to this effort is NITI Aayog, India’s policy think tank, which plays a pivotal role in coordinating SDG implementation. It ensures strategic mapping of government schemes to SDG targets, identifies lead ministries, and fosters collaboration across different levels of government. Strategic partnerships with state governments, civil society, and international organizations, including the UN Country Team in India, are crucial for promoting inclusivity and providing substantial financing to ensure holistic progress.


Hero MotoCorp's commitment towards the UN SDGs

Hero MotoCorp demonstrates a strong commitment to advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) by leveraging them as a catalyst for innovation and growth in line with national priorities. The company has integrated sustainability into its core business operations, with a primary focus on fostering sustainable growth that not only benefits the company but also extends to the broader community. By defining clear goals and embarking on initiatives aligned with the UN SDGs, Hero MotoCorp has been able to generate a positive impact within its operations and the local communities it serves. The company’s programs are centered on reducing environmental impact, ensuring safe working conditions, promoting equal opportunities, and empowering communities. These initiatives underscore the company’s dedication to promoting empowerment and sustainability while striving for comprehensive progress that benefits all stakeholders. Through its impactful initiatives and strategic alignment with the SDGs, Hero MotoCorp significantly contributes to global sustainability efforts and actively supports India’s national development goals.